S.p.a.c. Construction Inc.

Need a renovation contractor with proven expertise? Take advantage of our services for all your general renovation needs.


S.P.A.C. Construction Inc. operates in the area of the general renovation and specializes in interior and exterior, residential and commercial renovations. It has to its credit many achievements in all kinds of projects.


Proud of our experience of more than 15 years in general renovation, we have the expertise needed to ensure the success of your projects. By entrusting us with your project, you will have a dynamic and professional team keen to satisfy you.


Member of the APCHQ

A renovation project is a major investment thus the importance of recruiting a competent team that will carry out the work with state-of-the-art techniques.


The building Act requires all contractors to hold an appropriate license, issued by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ). The RBQ validates the knowledge and skills of contractors through examinations and also ensures their solvency.


S.P.A.C. Construction holds a general contractor license which allows it to perform work in all categories related to general renovation. In addition, (name of company) is a member of the Professional Association of construction and housing of Québec (APCHQ).


RBQ license No.: 5715-9329-01